How To Make Symbols With Your Keyboard
How To Make Symbols With Your Keyboard
If you’ve ever wondered how to make symbols using your keyboard, we have compiled a list. If you know any more, feel free to post in the comments.
Symbols are made by holding down the Alt key while typing numeric combinations.
Alt + 1 = ☺ smiley face
Alt + 2 = ☻ black smiley face
Alt + 3 = ♥ hear
Alt + 4 = ♦ diamond
Alt + 5 = ♣ club
Alt + 6 = ♠ spade
Alt + 7 = • circle
Alt + 11 = ♂ male sign
Alt + 12 = ♀ female sign
Alt + 13 = ♪ eighth note
Alt + 14 = ♫ beamed eighth note
Alt + 15 = ☼ sun
Alt + 18 = ↕ up/down arrow
Alt + 24 = ↑ up arrow
Alt + 25 = ↓ down arrow
Alt + 26 = → right arrow
Alt + 27 = ← left arrow
Alt + 29 = ↔ left/right arrow
Alt + 0153 = ™ trademark symbol
Alt + 0161 = ¡ upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0162 = ¢ cent sign
Alt + 0169 = © copyright symbol
Alt + 0174 = ® registered trademark symbol
Alt + 0176 = ° degree symbol
Alt + 0177 = ± plus or minus sign
Alt + 0182 = ¶ paragraph mark
Alt + 0190 = ¾ three fourths symbol
Alt + 0191 = ¿ upside down question mark
Alt + 0215 = × multiplication sign
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